How to Make a Lemon Grass Green Tea

 How to Make a Lemon Grass Green Tea with lemon grass recipe

Green Tea
Green Tea

Green tea and lemongrass complement each other perfectly. Indeed, together and hand in hand, they make a wonderful combination for this time of year. You can drink it cold or hot, and you will get a great and healthy drink in exchange. Green tea with lemongrass is a refreshing summer beverage. Green tea is ideal for summer because it is fresh, herbal, young, aromatically soft, and slightly astringent. Naturally, it is prepared and consumed at a lower temperature than black or red tea.

However, its flavor is more appropriate, as are the blends that can be prepared with it. You just need to trust your instincts or be inspired by this article to get it. This plant, also known as lemongrass or lemon grass, is ideal for this type of refreshing summer beverage. Although it can be consumed hot, I recommend allowing it to cool completely before drinking it in the afternoon. If you follow these guidelines, you should have no trouble enjoying it.


A liter of water is required.

two tablespoons high-quality green tea

A spoonful of dried lemongrass or a fresh lemongrass stick

lime, sliced (optional)

The molasses (or sweetener to taste, optional)

How do you get ready?

Set the water heater to heat until it reaches 75 degrees Celsius. Remove from the heat. Place the tea and lemongrass in the teapot or infuser of your choice, then add the water. Allow between three and five minutes to stand before transferring to a jar. There, you can add some delicious slices of lime to give it a more citrus flavor and to sweeten it. This is entirely optional in both cases. If you prefer it cold, place it in the fridge with a sprig of mint or spearmint and serve it very cold with ice.

Grass of lemon

Lemongrass is fresh and citrusy, and it goes well in drinks with these characteristics due to its tonic and refreshing flavor. When it comes to its properties, it is antiseptic and antibacterial. In fact, it is effective at repelling mosquitoes and insects. It is also digestive and helps with flatulence, as well as fighting dandruff.

Green Tea
Green Tea

Green Tea's Privileges

Some people may still be confused about what green tea is. So here's what I mean. Green tea and black tea are both derived from the same plant. Green tea leaves, on the other hand, have not withered or become oxidized. It originated in China, but it is now consumed throughout Asia and the rest of the world. It gets its name from the fact that when brewed, this tea produces a green drink. Depending on the weather, you can drink it hot or cold. 

Nothing beats a cup or mug of this lemon-flavored tea in the winter (or at least a slice of lemon). You can use sugar, but honey is a much better and healthier alternative. It is loaded with antioxidants that can fight cancer-causing free radicals in our bodies. Antioxidants help to keep our skin looking young and maintain its elasticity. They can help to prevent wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes. This type of tea improves blood flow and lowers cholesterol levels. 

Green Tea's Privileges

It can also help prevent a variety of health problems, such as high blood pressure and heart problems. This near-miracle drink may also help to prevent Alzheimer's disease. It also aids in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in diabetics. It can undoubtedly be of high quality because it is grown at high altitudes in the mountainous regions of the East. However, there are different grades of this tea, and the price reflects this.

The tea is available in both loose leaves and tea bags. Choose whole loose leaves for fresher green tea. They can be kept fresh by storing them in an airtight container. Tannin is also present in green tea, so if it bothers your stomach, avoid it. Tannin can have a negative impact on iron levels in the body. Green tea should not be consumed immediately after eating iron-rich foods

If you have caffeine sensitivities, avoid it. Unlike when making black tea, do not pour hot water on the green leaves. Allow the water to cool slightly before brewing. You should definitely try this drink, and your body will respond positively if you sweeten it with honey.

Green Tea Drawbacks

However, if we consume too much of it, it may harm our kidneys. However, we are rarely adversely affected by green tea consumption. It can also cause liver damage. However, it should be noted that the beverage's health benefits far outweigh its drawbacks, as long as you don't drink too much of it.

According to scientists, you can safely consume up to ten cups of green tea per day. When you take supplements, problems arise. These can have up to fifty times the polyphenol content of a cup of tea.

Another issue with drinking green tea is that it contains caffeine, believe it or not. If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid green tea as it can cause insomnia, upset stomach, nausea, and irritability.

If you are taking blood thinners such as coumarin or warfarin, you should avoid drinking it because it contains vitamin K.  Ask your doctor if you can drink the beverage and how much is safe for you to consume. You should also avoid drinking green tea while taking aspirin.

It is not advisable to take supplements during pregnancy because they are not strictly regulated. The tea itself is safe; it is the extracts and supplements that can be dangerous.

Green Tea Drawbacks

The catechins in hot green tea may help prevent colds and flu, especially if you drink it with lemon and honey instead of  sugar. The caffeine in the drink, on the other hand, can inhibit the body's ability to absorb iron. However, drinking your tea with fresh lemon juice squeezed into it can help to mitigate the tea's effect. Consume plenty of vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, broccoli, other brassicas, and liver to counteract any iron deficiency.

If you're on a diet, the amount of sweetener you stir into your cup will increase the number of calories in your drink. A cup of unsweetened green tea contains no calories. Basically, if you are healthy and drink this beverage in moderation, it should be a health-giving beverage. Use common sense and avoid drinking excessive amounts of the stuff.

Article By Reshma

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